

Modelling, Measurement and Improvement of the water management environmental impact in the food industry

Financied by:


File number: LIFE15 ENV / ES / 000379

Program: LIFE


  • Tecnun (Coordinador)


  • AIN (Asociación de la Industria Navarra)

  • Ceit


The main objective of the MCUBO project is to reduce the environmental impact associated with water management in the 3 subsectors that consume the most water in the food industry (meat, canned vegetables and juices) through the effective demonstration in 3 industrial plants of a comprehensive system of management based on:

  • The implementation of innovative low-cost wireless monitoring technologies, the Plug & Lean system.

  • The detailed modelling of the typical processes of each sub-sector, which allow to propose improvement actions and demonstrate their effectiveness prior to being implemented, by simulating scenarios (facilitating decision-making and reducing risks).

  • The specific integration of water management in the continuous improvement processes of the three demonstrator companies.

Ceit's role in the project

Ceit will be responsible for the development and validation of the mathematical models of the wastewater treatment pre-treatment processes. Based on these models, the Ceit will carry out simulation studies that analyze alternatives for optimal water management in the industry.

These alternatives will be implemented in the industry and possible improvements will be evaluated with regard to water consumption, quality of the waste water generated and energy costs associated with water treatment.



Paloma Grau

Paloma Grau
