Proyect Overview
C-MobILE (Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe) is deploying cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) and services designed to deal with specific mobility challenges across Europe. The project also aims to help local authorities deploy the C-ITS services they need and to raise awareness of the potential benefits for all road users.
A total of eight C-ITS equipped cities and regions are involved in the project, all of which have been research deployment sites for large-scale deployment of sustainable services in the past. This common approach ensures that interoperability and seamless service availability are prioritised and at an acceptable cost for end-users.
C-MobILE is engaging with public and private stakeholders, including end-users, to enhance C-ITS services and to establish functioning partnerships beyond the project. It is also carrying out cost-benefit analyses and developing business models, particularly from the end-user’s perspective, to make sure C-ITS services do their job correctly.
Bilbao Deployment Site
In Bilbao DS, five different Cooperative Services will be deployed and tested during the Project. These services will be available for the end-users through different apps that will send notifications regarding:
Motorway Parking Availability. This service provides parking availability information (number of free slots) and guidance to the truck driver (facilities on-site, allowed vehicles etc) to make choices about their route. MPA service is implemented at CTVi which has a capacity of 180 parking slots for trucks in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Urban Parking Availability. This service provides parking availability information at urban areas and guidance for drivers aiming to reduce the time of searching for parking spaces. In Bilbao, around 16.000 on-street parking slots are used for this service.
Blind Spot Detection. This service warns cyclists about the collision risk with buses located out of sight.
Road Works Warning. This service informs and instructs drivers in a timely manner about road works and restrictions.
Road Hazard Warning. This service informs drivers in a timely manner of upcoming and possibly dangerous events and locations, e.g. a traffic jam, accidents, etc.
Ceit leads the activities of Bilbao DS, where some strategic key partners together with some associated partners participate in order to implement, deploy, operate and evaluate the C-ITS services. The partners involved in Bilbao DS are the following: Bilbao City Council, Gertek, Kapsch, MLC. The associated partners are: Dachser, DGT, San Sebastian City, Dbus and CTVi.
Role of Ceit in C-Mobile
The deployment and operation of Cooperative Services and Corridors is a strategic line of the Sustainable Mobility and Transport research Group of Ceit. The group’s research activity is focused on the roadmap envisioned for the development of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) solutions for the highway of the future. Highway sensor systems and the developments of cooperative systems are key aspects in laying the groundwork for the arrival of fully autonomous cooperative driving systems. To that end, the group works on communication both inside and outside the vehicle and on road monitoring systems.
With this aim, Ceit is involved in C-Mobile project by leading the deployment of C-ITS services at Bilbao’s city. In addition, they have deployed Blind Spot Detection and Motorway Parking Availability services, and they are the manager of the Geomessaging platform where all the services of the DS are connected.
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Financed by
Grant Agreement Number: 723311
Program: H2020