Electric Vehicles and Distributed Electric Grids

Our added value
This group focuses its activity on the development of new technologies that allow better energy use. It covers everything from sustainable transport systems to electricity grids that combine distributed electricity generation and storage. To do this, they coordinate aspects such as the development of advanced electrical machines, high power density static converters, control algorithms and storage systems.

Our research lines
They are oriented to the sectors of electrical transport by road, aerospace sector, marine propulsion and distributed electrical networks.
Development of electrical machines with high power density and / or torque density for high and medium speed applications.
Design of compact static converters that combine the integration of WBG (“Wide Band Gap”) semiconductors and innovative cooling systems.
Development of electric traction systems that integrate the power electronics, the electromagnetic actuator and the sensorization stage in applications that require high fault tolerance.
Design and implementation in commercial ECUs (“Electronic Control Unit”) of algorithms for the management of energy flow in electric vehicles.
Optimization of the integration of electric vehicle fleets and minimization of their impact on the electricity distribution network.
Development of electrostatic storage systems based on supercapacitors for high power density applications.
Development of control algorithms applicable to smart grids that combine storage and distributed generation.
They are oriented to the sectors of electrical transport by road, aerospace sector, marine propulsion and distributed electrical networks.
Modular, scalable, multi-funtional, high power density power controller for electrical taxi.
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Thermal and electrical Mock-ups for Thermal Management of a Ground Integration Test Rig.
TICs y Electrónica de Potencia, tecnologías claves para una revolución en el Transporte Terrestre II.
Development of an Efficient High Power Electric Energy Generation System for Wheeled Ground Platforms.
Read moreMOTARPM
Design and Development of High-Speed Electric Machinery for the Machine Tool Sector.
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Calculation and development of a high energy efficient hybrid propulsion system for ships and MOTGEN
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