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Ceit, leading beneficiary of Cervera Call for Technology Centres of Excellence
17 | 04 | 2024
Ceit Technology Centre was the main beneficiary of the Cervera call for Technology Centres of Excellence in 2023, spearheading one of the three participating projects.
Ceit has been granted a total of 2.3 million euros for the FABRICARE, MADISON and CICERO projects.
The recent final resolution of the 2023 Cervera Grants for Technology Centres of Excellence, announced by Spain’s Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, has allocated significant funding for research and development projects in Spain. Twelve projects have received 38.3 million euros in public funding from NextGenerationEU as part of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) in the framework of the Spanish Government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, which lays out the roadmap for a robust, inclusive, and resilient economic reconstruction and addresses the country's challenges for the next decade.
Ceit, primary beneficiary of the call
Ceit Technology Centre, member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), was the main beneficiary of the call, securing backing for three projects and leading one of them.
FABRICARE: Collaborative, safe and smart manufacturing
Specifically, Ceit is leading the FABRICARE project (manufacturing through advanced interfaces, robotics, and digital twins for collaborative, safe, and smart production). Working with CTC, Tecnalia, Ikerlan and Aidimme, the project was granted 3.4 million euros. The primary goal of the project, which held its first consortium meeting on April 10th, is to explore and develop various lines of research encompassing diverse technologies within intelligent manufacturing in collaborative environments.
CICERO: Cybersecurity for the network of the future.
Led by Gradiant, Ceit also takes part in CICERO (Intelligent cybersecurity countermeasures for the network of the future) alongside I2Cat, Fidesol, and ITCL (Technology centre of Castilla y León). The project has received a grant of 3.5 million euros.
Specifically, this project aims to implement a strategic R&D&I programme in cybersecurity focused on knowledge transfer, complemented by generating and recruiting research talent in cybersecurity.
MADISON: Digitised, sustainable additive manufacturing
Lastly, Ceit is a partner in the MADISON project (Digitised, sustainable additive manufacturing), together with CATEC (Andalusian foundation for the development of aerospace) and Lortek. Led by Aidimme and recipient of 3.2 million euros, MADISON aims to address various research challenges posed by additive manufacturing technologies applied to metallic materials. This initiative seeks to enhance the impact of excellence training on the staff of participating centres, attract talent, and broaden the dissemination of results to both the scientific community and companies.
With the combined funding for these three projects, Ceit has received a total grant of 2.3 million euros. These projects address various key technological aspects and aim to bolster innovation in strategic areas for the industrial and economic development of Spain./p>
About the Cervera Call for Technology Centres
The aim of Cervera grants for technology centres, managed by the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), is to foster collaboration between the public and private sectors and facilitate knowledge transfer to drive development and growth within the Spanish innovation ecosystem. This involves supporting training initiatives at technology centers and assisting strategic technology support stakeholders.