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MainRail obtains €854,000 in a new round of funding
22 | 01 | 2024
The spin-off launched by Ceit in 2020 develops technology and digital systems for maintenance of railway infrastructure.
MainRail will be setting aside the capital obtained for the design and implementation of new technological and functional developments, as well as for boosting its commercial expansion.
MainRail, the startup launched by the Ceit Technology Centre in 2020, has reached a new milestone in completing a successful round of investment by obtaining the sum of 854,000 euros. The following took part in funding: Navarra Tech Transfer Fund from Sodena, the Navarra Development Society, the UN I+d+I Tech Transfer Fund from Clave Capital, and the Innvierte Programme from CDTI Innovación.
The capital raised will be set aside for the design and implementation of new technological and functional developments, as well as for boosting MainRail’s commercial expansion.
A tool in place on thousands of kilometres of track
MainRail, which was set up in 2020 as a Ceit spin-off with the backing of the company Inycom, specialises in the development of comprehensive software for both predictive and correct maintenance management of railway infrastructures This state-of-the-art technology has already been put in place on over 3,200 kilometres of rail, making a significant contribution to the sector.
Digital twins and artificial intelligence to reduce costs
The tool created by MainRail is based on digital twins and artificial intelligence (AI) with a view to providing a predictive buckling model. This innovative approach enables risks of track warping to be foreseen and alleviated, especially in situations involving high temperatures.
The technology developed by MainRail has proved to be highly effective, managing to reduce maintenance costs of railway infrastructures by up to 25%. Within a context in which annual expenditure in this area in the EU exceeds 11 billion euros, this contribution is deemed both significant and necessary.
With the financial backing obtained in the course of this latest round of investment, MainRail is ready to consolidate its position in terms of rail innovation and to continue improving the efficiency and sustainability of railway infrastructures throughout Europe.