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Ceit, Airbus and Cetest collaborate on a test bench that will reproduce real aircraft flight conditions on the ground
The project is part of the European Clean Sky program, which defines European aviation in the 21st century

This project, which goes by the name TR4EMACS, aims to build a complete and flexible test bench that allows on-the-ground and simultaneous testing of the mechanical and electrical performance of eight electromechanical actuators under realistic flight conditions. The test bench allows the aileron actuators, spoilers, winglets and flap-tabs of both wings of an airplane (left and right) to be studied. The modular and scalable design allows for the optimal integration of equipment and provides a detailed analysis of each subsystem. Two modes of operation will be implemented in order to maximize the number of test analyses: independent mode (which connects the actuators to industrial power supplies) and integrated mode (which connects the actuators to the existing electrical distribution equipment in the aircraft itself).
This test bench will greatly reduce costs and significantly advance the ability to ensure the reliability of parts, electrical installations, wing control surfaces and other types of aircraft equipment by providing the capacity to test them in extreme conditions without putting human lives at risk.
This aeronautical innovation is fruit of a collaboration between Airbus, the Ceit technology center and the Cetest testing and analysis center, who are working together on the TR4EMACS European project, which is part of the European Clean Sky initiative, which aims to lay the foundations for building future aircraft in Europe.
This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 738110.