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MIRAGED project: digital twins that will improve modeling, simulation and prediction systems for machine behavior and manufacturing processes
The project grants Ceit the label of Cervera Center of Excellence in digital twins

This project, corresponding to the Red Cervera of the CDTI, will be developed by Ikerlan (coordinator), Ceit, CTC, Ideko and Idonial. Miraged arises with the aim of improving the training of the research groups of the technological centers involved in modeling systems, simulation and prediction of the behavior of machines and manufacturing processes, with the development of virtual models and digital twins that allow their design and further optimization.
A digital twin is a virtual replica of a product (the turbine of an airplane, the blades of a wind turbine, a motor of a machine, etc.) or of a process that incorporates real-time data that can be captured at through sensors or technologies related to Big Data. Once this information has been collected, it is processed with Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Machine Learning to achieve a “twin” that, in a certain way, has a life of its own when it comes to introducing improvements and optimizing capabilities.
This technology allows us to analyze your reaction to certain situations and improve its performance and efficiency, achieving a protected and safe environment for innovation, being able to detect problems before they occur, plan maintenance tasks avoiding unexpected stops, build new, more efficient operating scenarios , develop new manufacturing plans or make future forecasts.
Miraged arises to strengthen the capacities of technology centers in strategic technologies through collaborative work, as a tool to promote greater cooperation with companies.
Ceit seeks with Miraged to develop tools and methodologies that promote the radical improvement of the centre's offer in multidisciplinary solutions to the business sector in the field of hot forming and heat treatment processes, under the perspective of Industry 4.0. Such improvement requires a paradigm shift based on the application of a combination of new technologies and their integration.
Miraged is part of the Announcement of the Accreditation Procedure and granting of aid for “Cervera” Technological Centers of Excellence in 2019 (CER-20191001). Its main objectives are to promote leadership and collaboration in the industrial field, promote specialization in the priority technologies of the Red Cervera and improve the impact on the Spanish economy.